Mead Witter School of Music


Wisconsin Madison 성악/오페라 박사과정

페이지 정보

작성자 뮤직에임 작성일15-11-10 17:07 조회6,008회 댓글0건



안녕하세요회원님질문 주셔서 감사합니다해당학교에 문의해서 답을 받았습니다이런 류의 문의편지는 앞으로 여러분 들에게 유용하게 쓰일 수 있다고 생각되므로문의메일과 답변메일 모두 전문 게재합니다해당학교 프로그램 descriptionWisconsin (Madison) 음대 성악/오페라 과정 입학률졸업생현황들은 별도 PDF 파일로 첨부하니 참조하세요도움이 되었으면 하네요.

학교에 보낸 문의편지 입니다.

Dear James,

Hi, my name is Kathleen, prospective D.M.A. student from Korea. I am planning to attend your D.M.A. program in the fall semester of 2016 if I am qualified for the program.

I have been studying vocal performance for the past 10 years and awarded BM & MM degree in voice performance respectively. I wish to continue performing and further my study at a higher level to become a professional musician and, if possible, an opera producer.

I am writing this letter to you because I have been doing a lot of research on music schools, conservatories, and academies over the past year. To put it straight forward, University of Wisconsin School of Music is my first choice school. However, I have heard from many graduates and teachers that your school is incredibly selective and difficult to get an acceptance. I was wondering if I am qualified as a musician to apply to your school, and I thought it was best to write to you ahead of time, before I apply for the school.

It will be greatly appreciated if you provide me all the relevant information on your D.M.A. program. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Respectfully yours,

Kathleen Y. Kim, prospective D.M.A. student


학교에서 받은 답장메일 입니다.

Hi Kathleen,

Thanks for writing! The admittance rate for the Vocal Performance graduate program varies each year. You can review admissions statistics from past years on our website: 
·  In 2015, we had 53 applicants for the Voice program, and 23 were admitted (43%).

·  In 2014, we had 35 applicants for the Voice program, and 24 were admitted (69%).

·  In 2013, we had 56 applicants for the Voice program, and 21 were admitted (38%).

Your eligibility for graduate study is initially determined by your prescreening recordings, which will be the Voice facultys first opportunity to assess your vocal talents, in conjunction with your letters of recommendation and transcripts. I have cc'd them here, in case they would like to comment with advice for the prescreening recordings.

If you have any questions about the application process, please let me know. Pay close attention to the special requirements for International Students.



James Doing, Jr.

Graduate Admissions & Funding Coordinator

UW-Madison School of Music


> > > 안녕하세요. 저는 성악 박사과정에 지원하려는 학생입니다. 사정이 있어 Wisconsin 주립대 (Madison)로 가려고 하는데요, 이곳 오페라 프로그램은 어떤지 궁금합니다. 공연도 하면서 가능하면 오페라제작 일도 배웠으면 하는데요, 입학하기가 어렵지는 않은지요? 가능한 많은 정보 부탁합니다. 도움 감사 드려요^^ >


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